Meet the owner

Hello and welcome to the Art of Sia. My name is  Nadia C. Patterson and I am the wife of a self made millionaire. I am 45 years old and have been with my husband for 22 years. I was raised in a two-parent household and my parents were married for 43 years. ….till death did they part….(I love you Mommy). I have 2 children, live in 10K+ square foot home in a gated community in an affluent Chicago suburb.  I love God. I love myself. I love my husband. I love my children.

Background Information

I graduated from Michigan State University in 1999 with a Bachelor of Arts and immediately began working as a computer programmer. I have been with my current employer for 26 years. Yes, my entire professional career. I am loyal and dedicated to those I love. I have a very logical thinking process that is pertinent to my career. If a particular situation happens, then you must act in a specific behavior. If that did not happen then you need to alter your reaction. For each action there is a reaction and every action needs to be evaluated. I now understand how my professional career path has made it possible for me to embark on this new chapter of my life. As we grow as individuals, we must begin to alter our reactions because in most cases we are reacting to what we experienced in the past; not what is happening now.

A quote that I often use is: “the grass IS greener on the other side of the street; BUT they have a higher water bill.”  I know the common saying that most people have heard is ‘the grass ISN’T greener…’ but I firmly believe that the grass can indeed be greener on the other side. The grass is greener because they nurtured, fertilized and watered their grass more which results in a greener grass . . . and a higher water bill. There is a cost to everything. Things are not always what they seem. Perception is key.

My Approach


Seed Planting, Perception and Kindness. It all begins with a simple seed. This seed is planted in the mind. This seed grows to a thought and if not nurtured correctly this thought can form an illusion. My goal is to help you identify and uproot the negative seeds replacing them with positive thoughts. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions. My focus will be on you and what you have done to contribute to your current situation. Only you can change you. Change YOUR perception, change YOUR situation.


Lead with love

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Some messages get lost in translation because they are not delivered correctly. Have you ever crafted the perfect email, pressed “send”, and then realized your CAPS LOCK was on. You immediately click the “reply all” button and quickly type ‘Sorry for the ALL CAPS in my last email’. You recognized the receiver would presume you were yelling at them. You corrected your mistake immediately; argument averted. I want you to look at this scenario two ways: Are you more concerned with not upsetting other people than you are your own spouse? Are you even aware that your CAPS LOCK is on?

recognizing illusions

Illusions are tricky and they are designed to fool the mind. They are created as a result of your brain attempting to find a shortcut to a solution. Your brain is smart and efficient and it does not want to process the same information everytime it encounters it. This allows you to get to the result quickly without truly breaking down the situation. While this is efficient, is it accurate? Just as illusions appear in nature in the form of rainbows, desert mirages and sunrises/sunsets; they too can be found in the mind.